February 28, 2023

V13 Policetech Accelerator Launches Policetech Tested Badge: Tested By Police – For Police™

The V13 Policetech Accelerator, a joint initiative of the Cobourg Police Service and NCFDC, is excited to announce the launch of the Policetech Tested Badge at the Policetech Conference & Expo in Mississauga, Ontario.

This unique program aligns with the Accelerator’s Pilot stream activities, where testing and validation of new technologies happens in real-world scenarios. Entrepreneurs seeking the Policetech Badge will work directly with uniformed and civilian staff, to integrate their knowledge and feedback on proposed use cases.

The Accelerator’s Pilot Program was first designed to address a major bottleneck that faced the two industries: namely, early-stage companies with innovative technologies were unable to break into the policing market, while policing organizations were not engaging with the most recent innovations in the field. Now, academia, startups, and SMEs can obtain real-world feedback from leading experts, creating focused designs and products refined through end-user collaboration.

The Tested By Police – For Police™ badge theme highlights the importance of putting new and innovative technologies and solutions into the hands of police while leveraging a highly controlled and documented process to test and validate early-stage technologies for future applications in policing. The goal is to provide assurance that the products/solutions awarded Policetech Tested™ badge have achieved a high level of quality, durability, functionality, and applicability during testing as part of the Accelerator’s Pilot Stream programming.

“As policing continues to evolve, it is crucial that police services can access reliable products, technologies, and innovations tested and evaluated against the rigours of day-to-day police operations,” said Chief of Police Paul VandeGraaf, Cobourg Police Service. “The Policetech Tested mark represents a specific standard met by new technologies based on real-world testing, piloting, or demonstrations—providing a level of assurance in the technology.”

“The Policetech Test Badge is the conceptual outcome of our work with the Cobourg Police Service over the last few years at Venture13, bringing together entrepreneurs and police service professionals to inform the product design and development process,” said Wendy Curtis, Executive Director at NCFDC. “With this badge we are now able to visually validate the results of constructive field testing and encourage even more collaboration and engagement through our policetech accelerator.”

To learn more or to submit an Expression of Interest, please visit the V13 Policetech Accelerator home page for more information.


NCFDC is an innovation and entrepreneurship organization located at Venture13 in Cobourg, Ontario. NCFDC is dedicated to local, regional, and national initiatives that fund, finance, and accelerate business. Our aim: inclusive and sustainable economic prosperity in our communities. With core operational funding from FedDev Ontario and the Government of Canada, NCFDC delivers the V13 Policetech Accelerator join initiative with the Cobourg Police Service. Learn more at: ncfdc.ca.

The Policetech Tested Badge is a trademark of the V13 Policetech Accelerator. Any use of this trademark without associated licensing is prohibited.

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For more information on the V13 Policetech Accelerator, please visit ncfdc.ca/policetech-accelerator/ or contact:

Joe Miller
Business Development Officer
V13 Policetech Accelerator Lead, NCFDC
E: jmiller@ncfdc.ca


Lisa Munday
Communications Coordinator
Cobourg Police Service
E: lisa.munday@cobourgpolice.com